AGM Basics
Board recruitment & publicity
Ideally, start recruitment at least three months before the AGM.
Write up a call-out for Board members that includes the types of skills that you are missing on the board, and a statement around diversity and inclusion e.g. welcoming 2LGBTQ+ and BIPOC folks in explicitly. Post it as widely as possible, while also drawing from networks of the board & staff.
Create an online board member application form that is simple and straightforward (see template). Include a question that asks them to describe themselves for the purpose of being able to share that in a short board candidate profile with members. Make it bilingual, short and sweet. Explain the process for potentially becoming a board member in the application form.
Form a committee from the existing board & staff who can read the applications and meet with each potential board member individually before the AGM. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that the candidates are committed to your mission and that they have time and skills to offer.
Follow your by-laws in terms of giving notice to your members about the upcoming AGM (usually it is a minimum of 30 days).
Publicize your AGM on all platforms. Make sure that people are inviting to become members if they aren’t already
Book your space (if it is in person) or choose your web platform
Set up a registration system e.g. eventbrite. This will help you keep track of who attended your AGM and allow you to follow up with people afterwards
Send out and post the board candidate profiles in advance of the AGM
Hire interpreters and translators in advance
Annual report
Ideally, start preparing this three months ahead of time.
Always include your mission statement, a list of your staff and board, and a financial summary
Include highlights from the past year with photos
Include a note from the ED and President (if applicable)
Consider hiring a graphic designer or engaging a volunteer to do the layout and make it look professional
Consider going e-copy only. You might need a few printed copies for older members who aren’t on email much.
Financial statements
Contact your auditor at least six months before your AGM (they get very busy at year-end time)
Ask them for a quote and shop around (we can recommend some good ones!)
Ask them for a list of materials to prepare in advance of their work
A “notice to reader” is less expensive and less in-depth
An audit might be required by some of your funders so be sure to check
Set aside at least 3 full days to do work to prepare your year-end financials with the auditor
Make sure that you give yourself enough time to bring the draft statements to the board meeting before the AGM.
Make adjustments to the statements as needed
Have printed copies for all members on hand at the AGM
Legal requirements
The main requirements at the AGM are:
Nominating the Chair and Secretary for the AGM
Ensuring quorum (see your by-laws)
Presenting and accepting annual report / activity report
Presenting and accepting minutes from the past AGM
Presenting and approving financial statements
Presenting and approving the proposed auditor for the next fiscal year
Running Board elections
By-laws changes (if you have any)
Other key decisions that have to be made by your membership (as per your by-laws)
The Secretary needs to keep a record of the main decisions passed at the AGM, how many people were in attendance and optionally who attended
Motions should be moved, seconded and then voted on. All voting members should have a voting paddle or something equivalent.
Voting by proxy might be permitted (check your by-laws)
Engaging members
Recruit new members! Have your existing member list at the ready and add new people!
Put up a sign asking for donations of any amount (in addition to your usual membership fees)
Sell merchandise or other products at the AGM if you have them
Try to involved different staff and board members in presenting at the AGM
Consider hiring an outside facilitator to Chair your AGM (we do that!)
Consider putting together a powerpoint presentation with the agenda, main components and photos from the past year
Have printed copies of your annual report, financials and board candidacy sheets on hand
Ensure accessibility in terms of venue, sound etc.
Offer childcare if it is in person
Making it fun
Consider asking some of your participants to get involved e.g. presenting their reflections on their experiences with the programs, helping to set up the AGM, greeting members at the door, helping with tech
Have music playing when people arrive and on breaks (not too loud so people can still chat)
Have FOOD! (Could be a pot-luck where the board and staff bring items but if they’re too exhausted or busy, you could hire a social enterprise catering company. We have recommendations!)
Have an ice-breaker or a game at the beginning of the AGM where people in the room get to know each other
Introduce any elected officials who are present at the start of your AGM
Have a “new board huddle” at the end of the AGM where you can give out the Board orientation packages (or tell them where to find it in the shared drive) and set your next board meeting date
Take photos! Make sure to ask permission. Consider engaging a volunteer who is experienced in photography.
Don’t forget to thank outgoing board and staff members. This can be done in fun and creative ways (with little gifts)
Acknowledge any funders in the room and thank larger funders by name
Take a photo of the new board and/or new board and staff all together (great for social media purposes following your AGM)
Celebrate your achievements from the past year!
AGM Follow-ups
Send packages out to your main funders and partners (can be via email if allowed) including:
Annual report
Financial statements
Number of members present at the AGM
List of new Board members
Etc (depends on the funders requirements)
See also “What we learned from doing our AGM online” by the Centre for Community Organizations.
We offer AGM Facilitation and more! Get in touch to learn about how we can help.