How to influence policy during the election and beyond

Learn how to make your non-profit or charitable organization heard in politics during and after the election in this online series.

April 1st, April 29th at 1pm - 2:30pm

Workshop offered in English with option for asking questions in French

How to federal election-proof your organization

The first part of our series laid the groundwork for why you would seek to engage in the upcoming federal election. In this second part of our series, join us for a deeper dive into the mechanics of designing your policy agenda, building relationships with federal candidates, and exploring options for developing and executing your advocacy strategy. Explore a range of tools that include:

  • A policy agenda and election tool-kit

  • The use of media

  • Public opinion polling & the use of data

  • Petitions & letter writing campaigns


    Tuesday, April 1st · 1 - 2:30pm

How to influence policy-making after the election

Whether or not your policy priorities were taken up during the campaign, being ready to influence the new government is key to ensuring the policy environment is favourable to your mission and community interests.

Now that you’re ready to consider the post-election period, join us In the last of our 3-part workshop series to learn how to engage with the new federal government. You will walk away knowing:

The basics of a government relations program

  • How to maintain and deepen relationships built during the campaign period; how to initiate relationships with new or returning members of Parliament.

  • How to navigate Parliament and government: Where to engage with civil servants, political staffers, members of Parliament, the Senate, cabinet members or opposition.

  • How to influence decision-makers & navigate process


    Tuesday, April 29th · 1 - 2:30pm

MYTH: Charities can't advocate or lobby before, during or after an election

FACT: Charities absolutely can engage to influence public policy as long as the activity is non-partisan

MYTH: My non-profit can’t have any influence on the Federal election outcome

FACT: You can absolutely engage in a range of activities such as education, outreach, all candidates meetings and getting out the vote that can collectively have an impact on the election outcome

MYTH: As a non-profit Director, I can’t speak out for or against political parties

FACT: You can absolutely speak up in a non-partisan way - to critique party platforms and positions, and to bring your organization’s demands forward. A classic example is the creation of a “report card” to rate the party’s platforms on topics that matter to your organization and community.

MYTH: Getting active in the upcoming election will cost my organization too much money.

FACT: You can pool resources with organizations that have similar missions and approach public policy and community mobilization work as a Coalition - and have bigger results!


2024 Social Impact Report